Christiana Ellis – Author of Nina Kimberly the Merciless and Space Casey.
MA in PA – One of my two Core Girls, gamer and voice actress. On Twitter ~ @mainpa.
Laura Burns – The Puppet Master behind the Parsec Podcast Awards. On Twitter ~ @MoonRangerLaura for tweets specifically about cool space stuff and @SciFiLaura for her personal account.
Jett Micheyl – Blogger, gamer, voice actress and more importantly, my other Core Girl. On Twitter ~ @MistressJett.
Special guest – J.R. Blackwell, creator of the Zombie vs. Humans game, Shelter in Place. On Twitter ~ @JRBlackwell.
Mentioned in the discussion:
Lord of the Rings Online, City of Heroes, Doom, Farmville, Pandemic, Zombie Dice, Carcasonne, Tsuro, Savage Mill Family Game Store, Eve Online, World of Warcraft, Shelter in Place.
As always, you can leave feedback here at this site, send an email to GirlsRulesPodcast@gmail.com, or leave a voicemail at (717) 347-8537 or 7173-GRULES.
Theme music is by Emma’s Mini, found on Magnatune.com.
As a reminder, the views you will hear are the views and opinions of the host and her guests. We do not claim to be professionals, and we do not speak for anyone other than ourselves.